Thursday, September 5, 2019

Traditional Song Arrangements Found / More Tracks

Justin identified "Sailor's Hornpipe" arranged by Phil Cunningham from FirstCom Music, and Lee Jacobs' arrangement of "Reveille" called "Beware" from Warner/Chappell Production Music.

More tracks were also found:

  • Curtain Raiser A - John Charles Fiddy and Brian Thomas
  • And Now... C - Sammy Burdson and John Charles Fiddy
  • My Lady's Pleasure - Richard Myhill
  • Tapdance Charlie - Harry Bluestone and Emil Cadkin [CPM]
Thanks for the help!


  1. Please take as much time as you need to check all of this out!:

    There's no place like gnome:
    Haunted House (Creatures appears in the bushes)

    Great Snipe Hunt:

    Martial Tension Sam Fonteyn (APM)

    Battle of Pimpleback Mountain:
    Home Comes the Hero (APM)
    Beware- Lee Jacobs (Lumpus takes out a log)
    Discouraged Troops (starting at the 00:47 mark of the track) (Lumpus goes to the tent)

    Let me Be a Soldier – (APM) plays in Beany Weenies and other episodes like “Sweet Dream Baby”

    Dead Bean Drop:
    The Tower- Jack Trombey (They see the time capsule)

    Constitution- Larry Hochman (CPM) (Slinkman becomes Super Slug again) and plays in other episodes?

    “Chase that Car” mislabeled as "Police Car Chase"

    Parent's Day:

    Glissando (g) “I love you too, Slinkman" before “Overly Loverly”

    Club Kidney-Ki:
    "Glissando (G)" by Skaila Kanga and Richard Myhill and "Flute Link (C)" and "(E)" by Richard Myhill (The next morning)

    One of the "Stand Up Comic" links plays when Slinkman makes a joke at one of the tables during the Club Kidney-Ki Luau Extravaganza

  2. Drum Roll off (a) APM- "Break!” Scoop of Century

    Dirt Nappers:
    Festival Polka (APM) (The Squirrel Scouts use the dirt for a spa)

    Dancing the Polka- Alfred Ralston [APM] (Dinner music)

    Award to the Wise:
    Curtain Raiser- John Charles Fiddy and Brian Thomas (Lazlo has his picture taken)

    Home Comes the Hero (APM) (Lumpus' speech)

    Colossus ("Like an award?")

    Hollywood Heyday (Everyone has their awards)
    Glory of the Trumpets (Edward is given a second award)

    "Flute Link (C)" and "(E)" by Richard Myhill with Harp Gliss by Otto Sieben playing simultaneously?? ("So pretty!")
