Monday, September 2, 2019

"7 Deadly Sandwiches" Update

The breakdown for "7 Deadly Sandwiches" will now be posted, since Justin identified these tracks that play in the episode: "Curtain Up (A)" by Len Ranle, "Hammond Tag 17" by Dieter Reith, "Fun and Fantasy" by Dieter Reith, and "Vaudeville Act" by Harry Bluestone and Emil Cadkin. (A CPM track)

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. 7 Deadly Sandwiches:

    Tapdance Charlie – Harry Bluestone (Opening night & Lumpus' costume is ready)

    Double Act - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin ("Glad you could make it!")

    Beware- Lee Jacobs (plays in the show)

    Handy Helper:
    My Lady's Pleasure- Richard Myhill Lazlo calls everyone names

    The last few notes of "On With the Race" when Hoo-Ha says "who is that jerk?" after "Bart's Nightmare"

    Piano Study – Dick walter ("Try to relax.") ("Can somebody help me turn off this blasted cockamamie tape!?")

    Burpless Beans:
    (Milt catches the ball) Circus Flourish A

    Bring On the Clowns – Fiddy, Burdson (He goes off the stage)
    Curtain Raiser- John Fiddy, Brian Thomas (Edward is next)

    And Now...- Fiddy, Burdson ("We have a little surprise for you, Edward.")

    Slap Happy
    Curtain Raiser – Ian Hughes(Lazlo selling Kunda Beanie-Cise tapes)

    Nothing Club (Opening):

    #6 version
