This page is dedicated to identifying which original tracks from the show have certain names. The main composer for the soundtrack of this show is Andy Paley, but some tracks were also composed by Nicolas Carr. The names for these original tracks are listed on both the GEMA and SACEM repertoires.
On the episode breakdowns, if the original track is listed as "[Original music/arrangement by xxx]," that means that the track's name is unknown. If it is listed as a normal track like the way a production music track would be listed and is labeled with "[Original composition/arrangement]," then that means that the track's name is known.
Below is the list of original track names I was able to find. For the record, most of these are Paley tracks. I will link to a YouTube video of what I think the track is on the track name. Any cue sheet listing of these tracks also might not even be correct, or they might be listed on the wrong episode.
- Ascending Banjo (Nick Carr) [Listed on SACEM]
- Banjo Bit [Listed on GEMA's Lumpus Vs. the Volcano/Nursemaster cue sheet]
- Banjo Lick [Listed on GEMA's Samson's Mail Fraud/The Haunted Coffee Table cue sheet]
- Brown Bear [Listed on GEMA's Where's Lazlo? cue sheet]
- Cliff Hanger [Listed on multiple GEMA cue cheets]
- Clouds Hot Jazz [Listed on GEMA]
- Digeridoo Rhythm (Nick Carr) [Listed on GEMA]
- Duck Talk [Listed on GEMA's Snow Beans/Irreconcilable Dungferences cue sheet]
- Flute Count (Nick Carr) [Listed on GEMA]
- French Horn Gliss - (Nick Carr) [Listed on GEMA]
- High Mountain Waltz [Listed on GEMA's Friendward/Camp Dinkey cue sheet]
- Lazlo Sad Cello (Track title might have listed the wrong instrument) [Listed on multiple GEMA cue sheets]
- Old Time Religion [Listed on GEMA and SACEM]
- Six Pence Sousaphone [Listed on GEMA]
- Slipping Into Madness [Listed on SACEM/Might not be the name of a Camp Lazlo track]
- Speaking Guitar [Listed on GEMA and SACEM]
- Sunny Days [Listed on GEMA's Lumpus Vs. the Volcano/Nursemaster cue sheet]
- The Long and Dusty Trail [Listed on GEMA's Lazlo Loves a Parade cue sheet]
- W Ring [Listed on GEMA and SACEM]
- W Ring Mix [Listed on GEMA's Lumpus Vs. the Volcano/Nursemaster cue sheet]
If there are any other original Camp Lazlo track names that you found yourself, please let me know.
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