-Nutcracker-Dance of the Reed Flutes - Fiachra Trench, Peter Tchaikovsky [APM] (Opening)
-Reckless Rufus - Jerry Burnham, Stephn Wade, Tom Layton [APM] ("Well done, Jellies!")
-Contented Tuba - Richard Myhill [APM] (Edward says he will win)
-Edward's Big Intro - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (Edward is up next/Edward gets on the stage)
-Percussion Announcement - Nicolas Carr [Tunes by Nickelodeon Inc.] (Edward introduces his display)
-Ta-Ra C - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (Edward reveals a ship)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] (The audience is confused)
-National Anthem of France A - Alfred Kluten, Claude Rouget De Lisle [APM] ("French ship!")
-Au Tour De France - Wolf Helling [Not on APM site] (Edward explains the ship)
-Marseillaise - Alfred Kluten [APM] (The ship's cannon)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] ("Uh, Edward, it's not "French Ship", it's "friendship.")
-Quiz Show Time - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (Edward is confused)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] ("Oh, 'friend!'")
-Link (W) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (The audience laughs at Edward)
-Hopping Along - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Edward looks in the dictionary)
-Droopy - Jack Trombey [DWM] (Edward sees the Jelly Beans)
-Clown's Walk B - Otto Sieben [APM] ("Hey, Edward.")
-Clouds Banjo Tag - Andy Paley [Original composition] (Edward admits he doesn't have friends)
-Champions March [#9, #8] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] ("That's how to win!")
-Bruce Trail - James Kalamasz, Alain James [BMGPM] (Edward knocks on Samson's door)
-Alien Spacecraft A - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Samson in a giant bubble)
-Editor's Falling Over (B) - Dick Walter [APM] (Edward pops the bubble)
-Link (V) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("I liked it better when you just wanted lunch money.")
-Hochgebirgswalzer - Werner Breuggemann [APM] (Edward talks to Dave and Ping Pong)
-Link (R) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Dave and Ping Pong leave)
-Dramatic Cue (G) - Ronald Hanmer [APM] (Edward chases Wilbert)
-Mud Bathing - Otto Sieben, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (Edward wants to be friends with him)
-Civil War March - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Edward wants him to touch his muscles)
-Friends and Neighbours - Alan Hawkshaw [APM] (Edward becomes friends with him)
-Turkey Trot - John Longmire [APM] (Wilbert gets back to his cabin)
-William Tell - Overture - Gioacchino Rossini [CPM] (The next morning)
-[Original music by Andy Paley] ("Beaver!")
-Comic Capers 5 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Wilbert doesn't want to be friends with Edward)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (Edward is angry)
-Mr. Plod - Pete Thomas [UPM] (Edward throws a tantrum)
-Hide and Seek - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Edward thinks Wilbert is joking with him)
-Friends and Neighbours - Alan Hawkshaw [APM] (Wilbert with his new firend)
-Swing Low Sweet Chariot - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland [APM] (Edward is depressed)
-Goodnight Ladies - Edwin Pearce Christy [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (The Jelly Beans found Chef McMuesli's onion patch)
-Two Old Timers - Allan Gunn [APM] (Ending)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] (The audience is confused)
-National Anthem of France A - Alfred Kluten, Claude Rouget De Lisle [APM] ("French ship!")
-Au Tour De France - Wolf Helling [Not on APM site] (Edward explains the ship)
-Marseillaise - Alfred Kluten [APM] (The ship's cannon)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] ("Uh, Edward, it's not "French Ship", it's "friendship.")
-Quiz Show Time - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (Edward is confused)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] ("Oh, 'friend!'")
-Link (W) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (The audience laughs at Edward)
-Hopping Along - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Edward looks in the dictionary)
-Droopy - Jack Trombey [DWM] (Edward sees the Jelly Beans)
-Clown's Walk B - Otto Sieben [APM] ("Hey, Edward.")
-Clouds Banjo Tag - Andy Paley [Original composition] (Edward admits he doesn't have friends)
-Champions March [#9, #8] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] ("That's how to win!")
-Bruce Trail - James Kalamasz, Alain James [BMGPM] (Edward knocks on Samson's door)
-Alien Spacecraft A - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Samson in a giant bubble)
-Editor's Falling Over (B) - Dick Walter [APM] (Edward pops the bubble)
-Link (V) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("I liked it better when you just wanted lunch money.")
-Hochgebirgswalzer - Werner Breuggemann [APM] (Edward talks to Dave and Ping Pong)
-Link (R) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Dave and Ping Pong leave)
-Dramatic Cue (G) - Ronald Hanmer [APM] (Edward chases Wilbert)
-Mud Bathing - Otto Sieben, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (Edward wants to be friends with him)
-Civil War March - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Edward wants him to touch his muscles)
-Friends and Neighbours - Alan Hawkshaw [APM] (Edward becomes friends with him)
-Turkey Trot - John Longmire [APM] (Wilbert gets back to his cabin)
-William Tell - Overture - Gioacchino Rossini [CPM] (The next morning)
-[Original music by Andy Paley] ("Beaver!")
-Comic Capers 5 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Wilbert doesn't want to be friends with Edward)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (Edward is angry)
-Mr. Plod - Pete Thomas [UPM] (Edward throws a tantrum)
-Hide and Seek - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Edward thinks Wilbert is joking with him)
-Friends and Neighbours - Alan Hawkshaw [APM] (Wilbert with his new firend)
-Swing Low Sweet Chariot - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland [APM] (Edward is depressed)
-Goodnight Ladies - Edwin Pearce Christy [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (The Jelly Beans found Chef McMuesli's onion patch)
-Two Old Timers - Allan Gunn [APM] (Ending)
-Shave and a Haircut [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (End sting)
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Opening)
-Think Bubbles 4 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Samson sees the garbage man)
-Samson's Trashman Cheer - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (Samson cheerleading)
-Tragicomic - Dennis Farnon [APM] (The garbage man cries)
-Curious Cub - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Samson notices a billboard)
Camp Dinkey
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Opening)
-Think Bubbles 4 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Samson sees the garbage man)
-Samson's Trashman Cheer - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (Samson cheerleading)
-Tragicomic - Dennis Farnon [APM] (The garbage man cries)
-Curious Cub - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Samson notices a billboard)
-Jimmy Cracked Corn - Martyn Laight [CPM] (Samson reads the billboard)
-Link (A) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("A camp made just for me?")
-SpongeBob Flashback Vibes - Nicolas Carr [Tunes by Nickelodeon Inc.] (Transition)
-Springtime - Fiachra Trench [APM] (Samson's vision of Camp Dinky)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (Dirt falls on the ground)
-Drama Link (G) - Hubert Clifford [APM] ("That speck of dirt just fell from the sky!")
-Adventurers - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Samson gets rid of it)
-Evil Alien Attack 1 [#15] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (The bubbles pop)
-Flight in Panic 1 - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Gordon gets frozen)
-Colossus - Alan Hawkshaw [APM] ("Now let that be a lesson to us all.")
-Springtime - Fiachra Trench [APM] (Samson's vision of Camp Dinky)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (Dirt falls on the ground)
-Drama Link (G) - Hubert Clifford [APM] ("That speck of dirt just fell from the sky!")
-Adventurers - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Samson gets rid of it)
-Evil Alien Attack 1 [#15] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (The bubbles pop)
-Flight in Panic 1 - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Gordon gets frozen)
-Colossus - Alan Hawkshaw [APM] ("Now let that be a lesson to us all.")
-SpongeBob Flashback Vibes - Nicolas Carr [Tunes by Nickelodeon Inc.] (Transition)
-Link (Y); (Z) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Samson gets knocked into a mud puddle)
-Buffalo Billy - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Raj walks by the billboard)
-Link (Y); (Z) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Samson gets knocked into a mud puddle)
-Buffalo Billy - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Raj walks by the billboard)
-Sitar Lick - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (Transition)
-Didi Tera Devar Deewana - Lata Mangeshkar, S. P. Balasubrahmanyam (Raj's vision of Camp Dinkey)
-Kashmir - John Leach, George Fenton [APM] (Lazlo and Clam go into Raj's dress room)
-Mega Drums - Axelrod [WOM] (Raj comes on the stage)
-Liberty - Mr. Camboso, Odis Palmer [WOM] (Party music)
-Didi Tera Devar Deewana - Lata Mangeshkar, S. P. Balasubrahmanyam (Raj's vision of Camp Dinkey)
-Kashmir - John Leach, George Fenton [APM] (Lazlo and Clam go into Raj's dress room)
-Mega Drums - Axelrod [WOM] (Raj comes on the stage)
-Liberty - Mr. Camboso, Odis Palmer [WOM] (Party music)
-Sitar Lick - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (Transition)
-Apalachian Banjo Duel - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Lazlo hugs Raj)
-Dancing On the Ceiling - Ian Hughes, Christopher Walker [APM] (Lazlo describes his vision of Camp Dinky)
-Apalachian Banjo Duel - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Lazlo hugs Raj)
-Dancing On the Ceiling - Ian Hughes, Christopher Walker [APM] (Lazlo describes his vision of Camp Dinky)
-Bingo Parade Man - Andy Paley [Original composition] ("...and the best part of all... a scoutmaster!")
-Vamp Till Ready - Ronald Binge [APM] ("Camp Dinkey's awesome!")
-Clouds Banjo Tag - Andy Paley [Original composition] ("We gotta tell Clam about Camp Dinky.")
-Clouds Banjo Tag - Andy Paley [Original composition] ("We gotta tell Clam about Camp Dinky.")
-SpongeBob Flashback Vibes - Nicolas Carr [Tunes by Nickelodeon Inc.] (Transition)
-Dinky Doo - 1 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Clam's vision of Camp Dinky)
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (The Jelly Beans walk away)
-Staggering Home - Dick Walter [APM] (Chip and Skip chase a rabbit)
-Magical Wish - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (The rabbit talks)
-Magical Effect (F) - Paddy Kingsland [APM] (Chip and Skip go inside the billboard)
-Weird Bridge - Roger Roger [APM] (Chip and Skip in a strange dimension)
-Happy Rainbows - Alan Hawkshaw [APM] (Chip and Skip ride in a carriage)
-Dramatic Cue (C) - Ronald Hanmer [APM] (The carriage ride goes faster)
-Link (Y) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Chip and Skip scream)
-[Original music by Andy Paley] (Chip and Skip run away)
-Link (A) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("When did this get here?")
-Dinky Doo - 1 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Clam's vision of Camp Dinky)
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (The Jelly Beans walk away)
-Staggering Home - Dick Walter [APM] (Chip and Skip chase a rabbit)
-Magical Wish - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (The rabbit talks)
-Magical Effect (F) - Paddy Kingsland [APM] (Chip and Skip go inside the billboard)
-Weird Bridge - Roger Roger [APM] (Chip and Skip in a strange dimension)
-Happy Rainbows - Alan Hawkshaw [APM] (Chip and Skip ride in a carriage)
-Dramatic Cue (C) - Ronald Hanmer [APM] (The carriage ride goes faster)
-Link (Y) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Chip and Skip scream)
-[Original music by Andy Paley] (Chip and Skip run away)
-Link (A) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("When did this get here?")
-SpongeBob Flashback Vibes - Nicolas Carr [Tunes by Nickelodeon Inc.] (Transition)
-Black Empire - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Edward's vision of Camp Dinky)
-Buffalo Girls [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Edward goes back to his mother)
-Link (C) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Chip and Skip are behind Edward's mother)
-Buffalo Girls [Arrangement by Andy Paley] ("Um... yes. Mommy loves Edward very much.")
-Black Empire - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Edward's vision of Camp Dinky)
-Buffalo Girls [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Edward goes back to his mother)
-Link (C) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Chip and Skip are behind Edward's mother)
-Buffalo Girls [Arrangement by Andy Paley] ("Um... yes. Mommy loves Edward very much.")
-SpongeBob Flashback Vibes - Nicolas Carr [Tunes by Nickelodeon Inc.] (Transition)
-Tympup A - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [APM]; Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Edward stops envisioning Camp Dinky)
-My Old Kentucky Home - Robert White, George Weigand [APM] (At the Mess Hall)
-Link (Q) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Samson's fork is dirty)
-Hide and Seek - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] ("This camp's filthy!")
-Battle at Sea - Johnny Pearson [APM] ("Let's go to Camp Dinky!")
-Cash On the Barrel - Andy Paley [Original composition] (Ending)
-Willy Nilly - Cyril Watters [APM] (End credits scene)
-Tympup A - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [APM]; Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Edward stops envisioning Camp Dinky)
-My Old Kentucky Home - Robert White, George Weigand [APM] (At the Mess Hall)
-Link (Q) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Samson's fork is dirty)
-Hide and Seek - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] ("This camp's filthy!")
-Battle at Sea - Johnny Pearson [APM] ("Let's go to Camp Dinky!")
-Cash On the Barrel - Andy Paley [Original composition] (Ending)
-Willy Nilly - Cyril Watters [APM] (End credits scene)
Friendward Updates:
ReplyDelete(Opening) “Nutcracker-Dance Of The Reed Flutes” - Fiachra Trench, Peter Tchaikovsky [APM]
(“French ship!”) “National Anthem of France A” - Alfred Kluten, Claude Rouget De Lisle [APM]
(The ship’s cannon) “Marseillaise” - Alfred Kluten [APM]
-? (Edward is confused) “Quiz Show Time” - [Original composition by Nicolas Carr]
-? (“That’s how to win!”) “Champions March (#9) & (#8)” - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM]
Camp Dinkey Updates:
(Samson reads out the Camp Dinkey sign) “Jimmy Cracked Corn” - Martyn Laight [CPM] & “Link (A)” - Patricia Cory [UPM]
“SpongeBob Flashback Vibes” - Nicolas Carr plays multiple times throughout this episode due to the various imagination sequences.
-? (Sitar) “Sitar Lick” - [Original composition by Nicolas Carr]
-? (Raj comes on the stage) “Mega Drums” - Axelrod [West One]
(“…and the best part of all…a Scoutmaster!”) “Bingo Parade Man” - [Original Composition by Andy Paley]
“Vamp Till Ready” - Ronald Binge [APM] briefly plays at the end of Lazlo’s vision of Camp Dinkey when he says “Camp Dinkey’s awesome!”
(Samson’s fork is dirty) “Link (Q)” - Patricia Cory [UPM]