Saturday, July 2, 2022

Big Update

EdMario274 has identified two tracks:
  • "Fashion Fair" by John Cacavas [UPM] (Plays in "Parasitic Pal")
  • "Romanian Gipsy B" by Niko Radic [APM] (Plays in "Wig of Why")
Brick Head has also made me aware of another Chris Franklin and Paul Bishop track that this show uses a lot, "Goldrush Fever [#24]," as well as the Carlin track Show Song by Marvin Wright, which plays in "7 Deadly Sandwiches."

EdMario has also made me aware of a few names of the original tracks composed for this show listed on the SACEM music repertoire. I added a few names to the original tracks listed in this blog, but any help with figuring out what other original tracks play in what episodes would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot!

Edit: I also found a bunch of original track names on the GEMA music repertoire. I'll leave links to the repertoires so that you can have a look for yourself.

SACEM (Search the terms "Camp Lazlo" and "RCEL Carr Nicolas George Ma" to see the track names)


  1. This post/discovery has MADE MY DAY!!

    "Fashion Fair" by John Cacavas is used as the "Happy Birthday" music on ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption".

    I have been wondering about this track for a while.

    Thank you guys so much!!

  2. I'm very happy for you, Justin. EdMario has accomplished quite a lot
