Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Big Cheese / Campers All Pull Pants

The Big Cheese 

-[Original music by Andy Paley] (Opening)
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Raj gets a cheese wheel)
-Burglar Bill - Andrew Hall [CPM] (Slinkman spying on the scouts)
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Indian music)
-Who Wears the Pants - Jack Trombey [DWM] ("One of the rarest cheese wheels on the planet!")
-Shock Stinger - Kevin Hiatt, Charles Blaker [Megatrax] (The Jelly Beans drop the cheese wheel)
-Bowler Hats - David Farnon [CPM] (Lumpus wants the cheese wheel confiscated)
-Clown in Town - Philippe Pares [APM] (Lumpus comes to confiscate the cheese wheel)
-Tread Carefully - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Lumpus got a beehive instead)
-Link (Z) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Bee sting bumps on Lumpus)
-Polly Wolly Marimba - Andy Paley [Original arrangement] (Lazlo using the cheese wheel as a swing)
-The Dudes - Jack Trombey [DWM] ("I can’t take this anymore.")
-Link (Y); (Q) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lumpus gets thrown into the lake)
-What a Goof! (D) - Richard Myhill [APM] (Lumpus surrounded by bees)
-Comic Capers - 1 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Lumpus gets out of the lake)
-Link (W) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lumpus gets out of the lake again)
-Cat Burglar - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lumpus takes the cheese wheel)
-Sci-Fi Shocker - Kevin Hiatt [Megatrax] (Raj notices the that the cheese wheel is gone)
-Comedy Snatches 8 (Hearts & Flowers) - Keith Papworth [DWM] ("Someone has stolen it!")
-Horror Shock - Kevin Hiatt [Megatrax] (Lumpus holding the cheese wheel, laughing)
-Bossa Cubana - Gerhard Narholz [APM] (Lumpus sets up a stand to eat the cheese)
-Wooden Porch Waltz A - Steve Goomas, Doug Perkins [APM] (The Jelly Beans are upset)
-Bossa Cubana - Gerhard Narholz [APM] (Lumpus prepares the cheese wheel/Lumpus eats the cheese)
-Dramatic Impact 2 - Ivor Slaney [APM] (Raj sees that he ate it)
-Body Snatcher - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("You ate my cheese wheel!")
-[Original music by Andy Paley] (Lumpus realizes what he did)
-Dramatic Cue (B) - Ronald Hanmer [APM] (The Jelly Beans run away)
-Tragicomic - Dennis Farnon [APM] (Everyone cries)
-Dramatic Cue (G) - Ronald Hanmer [APM] ("I'm coming!")
-Goodbye Rodney - Peter Winslow [APM] ("Oh, I'm so depressed.")
-Apalachian Banjo Duel - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Lumpus decides to do whatever he wants)
-Mazurka Efter Emil Lindqvist - Olov Johansson, Mats Wester, Inge Henriksson [APM] (Lumpus eats Norwegian Blowfish)
-Marching Tuba A - Otto Sieben [APM] (Lumpus calls Commander Hoo-Ha)
-Mr Whippy - David Molyneux [DWM] (The ice cream truck arrives)
-Bugle Fanfare 1 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Commander Hoo-Ha arrives)
-Link (V) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Here I am!")
-Railroad Hoe Down - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Lumpus drives Commander Hoo-Ha's car)
-[Original music by Andy Paley] ("So long, scouts.")
-Link (Z) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lumpus doesn't explode)
-Oriental - Bruce Campbell [APM] (The cheese wheel was made in China)
-Clouds Are Rolling Away - Andy Paley [Original composition] (Ending)

Campers All Pull Pants

-Spooks - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Opening)
-Shivers Up the Spine A - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (Samson gets pantsed)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] (Everyone laughs at Samson)
-Shivers Up the Spine A - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (Milt gets pantsed)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] (Everybody laughs at Milt)
-Link (L) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Edward pantses everyone)
-Shivers Up the Spine A - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (Everyone screams/Edward reveals himself)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] ("Oh, I'm sorry.")
-Closet Monsters - Kevin Hiatt [Megatrax] (Edward says he is going to pants everybody)
-City Heat - Gerhard Trede [APM] (Edward pantsing everyone)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (Raj notices that everybody has been pantsed)
-Dinky Doo 4 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Edward checks off his pantsing list)
-Clouds Banjo Tag - Andy Paley [Original composition] ("Whew! Being a Bean Scout can be hard work!")
-Games Played in the Dark - Richard Harvey [APM] ("Edward is pantsing everyone!")
-Tread Carefully - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Lazlo gets scared)
-Sneeky - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Lazlo hides in Lumpus' cabin)
-Shock Stinger [#86] - Kevin Hiatt, Charles Blaker [Megatrax] (Lumpus has been pantsed)
-Synchrostings - Part 11 - Trevor Duncan [APM] (Lumpus tells Lazlo to run)
-Nick & Nora - John Cacavas [UPM] (Lazlo goes to Nurse Leslie)
-Towerstreet 17 [#8] - Gerhard Narholz [APM] (Lazlo protects his pants)
-Burglar Bill - Andrew Hall [CPM] ("Pssst! Hey, Lazlo!")
-Finger of Suspicion 2 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Lazlo traveling to the hideaway)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (Edward is behind Lazlo)
-Bear Cubs A - Walt Rockman [APM] ("Oh! Shrub Buddy!")
-Link (R) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Get lost.")
-Bugle Fanfare 1 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Fanfare)
-The Gunfighter - Franco Micalizzi, Roberto Predagio [Not on APM site] ("I'm not hiding from Edward anymore!")
-Spaghetti Cowboy - Jakko Jakszyk [CPM] (Lazlo and Edward have a pants-off)
-Comedy Capers - 1 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (It's a draw)
-Mud Bathing - Otto Sieben, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (Ending)
-Polly Wolly Marimba - Andy Paley [Original arrangement] (End credits scene)

1 comment:

  1. The Big Cheese Updates:

    -? (Lumpus eats Norwegian Blowfish) “Mazurka Efter Emil Lindqvist” - Olov Johansson, Mats Wester, & Inge Henriksson [APM]

    -? (“What happened?”) Sound Effect.
