Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Scoop of the Century / Boxing Edward

Scoop of the Century

-Goodnight Ladies [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Opening)
-Shopping Spree - Laurie Johnson [APM] (Dave and Ping Pong making newspapers)
-Link (Y); (V) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (The newspaper stand is still full)
-Shopping Spree - Laurie Johnson [APM] (Lazlo reading The Weekly Bean)
-Link (R) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Dave cries)
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Lazlo will help Dave and Ping Pong)
-Stop Press - Vivian Kennard [APM] (Transition to next scene)
-Polly Wolly Marimba - Andy Paley [Original arrangement] ("First thing we should do is change the name.")
-Think Bubbles 4 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (lazlo thinks of a name)
-Circus Flourish B - Daniel Jean Jeannin [APM] (Lazlo writes the new name)
-Star Premiere - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [APM] ("There!")
-Hip to the Beat - Johnny Hawksworth [APM] ("Yeah! Can you dig it, Ping Pong?")
-Stop Press - Vivian Kennard [APM] (They advertise "The Bean!")
-Shopping Spree - Laurie Johnson [APM] (Lazlo interviews Milt)
-Baby Elephant - Dick Walter [APM] ("'The Weekly Bean?'")
-Burglar Bill - Andrew Hall [CPM] (Dave and Ping Pong behind a tree)
-Link (R) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Sorry, fellas.")
-Turkey in the Straw [#12] - Martyn Laight [CPM] ("It's okay, Lazlo.")
-Stop Press - Vivian Kennard [APM] (Transition)
-Showtime (D) - Robert Sharples [APM] (Everyone buys "The Bean!" newspapers)
-Marching Tuba A - Otto Sieben [APM] (Lumpus watches outside)
-Link (Z) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lumpus learns that he's not allowed to read the newspaper)
-[Original music by Andy Paley] (Lumpus gets mad)
-Max Wall - David Arnold [CPM] (Lumpus walks away)
-Stop Press - Vivian Kennard [APM] ("Get your paper here!")
-Ho, Ho, Ho! - Dick Walter [APM] (Lumpus wants the newspaper)
-Goldrush Fever [#24] - Chris Franklin, Paul Bishop [Primalhouse Music] (Raj and Clam run away)
-Editor's Falling Over (A) - Dick Walter [APM] (Lumpus falls)
-Link (Z) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("I am gonna read that paper if it's the last thing I do.")
-Stop Press - Vivian Kennard [APM] (Transition)
-Link (C) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Dave and Ping Pong answer the door)
-Bowler Hats - David Farnon [CPM] (Lumpus asks them for the newspaper)
-Curious Cub - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Scouts talk about Lumpus)
-Slippery Sid - Roger Roger [APM] (Lumpus disguises as a Bean Scout named Scooter)
-Drum Parade - Yankee Doodle - Larry Hochman [CPM] ("Huddle!")
-Link (M) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Hey! What's going on over there?")
-Drum Roll Off A [#51] - Will Schaefer [APM] ("Break!")
-Body Snatcher - Patricia Cory [UPM] (The scouts are suspicious of Lumpus)
-Marching Through Georgia Swanee River - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin (Lumpus has to clean the bathroom)
-Stop Press - Vivian Kennard [APM] (Transition)
-Carriage Ride - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Lumpus did everything the scouts wanted him to do)
-Bamboo Tree - John Leach [DWM] (Lumpus gives Edward Chinese food)
-Dinky Doo 4 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Lumpus figures out what he thinks is going on)
-Synchrostings - Part 2 - Trevor Duncan [APM] (Ted's floaty is lost at the lake)
-Mud Bathing - Otto Sieben, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (Lazlo wants Lumpus to get it)
-Heroes Win - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Lumpus goes to get it)
-Sliding Down - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Lumpus falls down a waterfall)
-Link (R) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Still no sign of Scooter.")
-Dead March 1 - Alfred Kluten, Frederic Chopin [APM site incorrectly lists as Gabriel Faure] (The Bean Scouts are sad)
-Grand Panorama - Bruce Campbell [APM] (Lumpus is saved)
-Link (U) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lumpus gets a newspaper)
-Panto Intro [#56] - David Farnon [CPM] ("Didn't see that coming, did ya?")
Clouds Are Rolling Away - Andy Paley [Original composition] (Ending)
-Shave and a Haircut [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (End sting)

Boxing Edward

-Reveille [Unknown arrangement] (Opening bugle call)
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Lazlo has announcement)
-Royal Fanfare - David Arnold [CPM] (Lazlo's announcement)
-Ta-Ra A; B - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (Lazlo announces Sunflower Day)
-Ta-Ra C - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (The scouts cheer)
-Fatso 2 - Alan Wilson [UPM] (Edward gets mad at Lazlo)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (Edward says what Lazlo changed)
-Flute Link (C); (E) - Richard Myhill; Harp Gliss 1 [#20.03] - Otto Sieben [APM] (Slinkman's office has flowers everywhere)
-Wah Wah (A) - Richard Myhill [APM] ("A weed?")
-Link (A) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lazlo says flowers are a great thing)
-Baby Elephant - Dick Walter [APM] (Edward rants)
-Show Fanfare 3; Beat the Clock - David Lindup [APM] (The Sunflower Shuffle)
-Clown's Walk B - Otto Sieben [APM] (Edward starts to say what he thinks of the dance)
-Royal Fanfare - David Arnold [CPM] (The Bean Scouts cheer for the Jelly Beans)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (Edward's blood boils)
-Hide and Seek - Harry Bluestone and Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Edward's infuriated)
-Marching Tuba A - Otto Sieben [APM]; Max Wall - David Arnold [CPM] (Edward leaves Camp Kidney)
-Link (Y) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (
Slinkman stops Edward)
-Link (X) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Slinkman tells Edward to not drive his cabin out of camp)
-Armies On the Move - Richard Myhill [APM] (Edward mining)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (The water drains)
-Armies on the Move - Richard Myhill [APM] (Edward escapes camp with birds)
-Adventure Fanfare 3 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Miss Mucus shoots a watermelon at Edward)
-Editor's Falling Over (C) - Dick Walter [APM] (Edward hits the mail truck)
-Link (Z) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Stupid mail truck!")
-Banjo Lick - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (The mail truck drives away)
-Think Bubbles 4 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Edward gets an idea)
-[Original music by Andy Paley] ("Mail goes out, doesn't come back in!")
-Burglar Bill [#7.04] - Andrew Hall [CPM] (Edward goes to the post office)
-Clown in Town - Philippe Pares [APM] (Samson's hand puppet)
-Tread Carefully - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Edward takes a number)
-Clouds Banjo Tag - Andy Paley [Original composition] (Slinkman comes in)
-The Petulant Penguin - Dennis Farnon [APM] ("One moment.")
-Flop and Go A - John Fox [APM] (Edward looks for a stamp)
-Watch Out - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Sorry. You don't have enough postage.")
-Housewives Choice - Harry Bluestone [CPM] (Dave has a stamp for Edward)
-Romantic Ending [#34] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Edward talks about his grandmother)
-Romantic Ending [#31] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Dave cries)
-Romantic Ending [#33] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Edward says to Dave that he will mail himself out of Camp Kidney)
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] ("Nope. Still not enough.")
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] ("So that's the deal.")
-Staggering Home - Dick Walter [APM] (All the campers are in the box)
-Link (W) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Edward leaves)
-Buffalo Girls - Robert White [APM] (Sunflowers are everywhere in the Pinto Cabin)
-One, Two, Three, Whoops - Dennis Farnon [APM] (Edward tries to say that he loves sunflowers)
-Synchrostings - Part 5 - Trevor Duncan [APM] ("Forget this!")
-Link (Z) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lazlo says that the Bean Scouts like licking the stamps)
-Reckless Rufus - Jerry Burnham, Stephan Wade, Tom Layton [APM] (The stamps won't stick to the box)
-Fresh As a Daisy - George French [APM] (Samson seals the box)
-Beat the Clock - David Lindup [APM] (Ending)
-Polly Wolly Marimba - Andy Paley [Original arrangement] (End credits scene)

1 comment:

  1. Scoop Of The Century Updates:

    -? (Lazlo writes the new name) “Circus Flourish B” - Daniel Jeannin [APM]

    (“It’s okay, Lazlo.”) “Turkey In The Straw (#12)” - Martyn Laight [CPM] is used here.

    -? (Marching drums) “Max Wall” - David Arnold [CPM]

    -? (Lumpus gives Edward Chinese food) “Bamboo Tree” - John Leach [APM]

    (The Bean Scouts are sad) “Dead March 1” - Alfred Kluten, Frederic Choplin [APM]

    -? (Lumpus is saved) “Grand Panorama” - Bruce Campbell [APM]

    Boxing Edward Updates:

    (Bugle call) This isn’t “Beware” , this is an unknown arrangement of “Reveille” .

    -? (Edward leaves Camp Kidney) “Max Wall” - David Arnold [CPM]

    (Slinkman stops Edward) “Link (Y) & Link (X)” - Patricia Cory [UPM]
