Friday, July 12, 2019

Penny for Your Dung / Baby Bean

Penny for Your Dung

-Lap of Luxury - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Opening)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] (Skip takes a penny out of his mouth)
-Hit the Lights [#6, #3] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] ("We're rich!")
-Happy Tune - Harry Bluestone [CPM] (Chip and Skip go to the Camp Store)
-Fanfare - Robert Sharples [APM] ("With this!")
-Dramatic Love Theme - Intro - Frederick Charrosin [Not on UPM site] ("The penny is gone!")
-Baby Elephant - Dick Walter [APM] (Chip has a magazine)
-Invaders from Asteroid Q - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Chip shows Skip what it is)
-Angelic Choir - Jim Rattigan [APM] (Skip has a big bag of money)
-Ballet Shoes [#59] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Chip and Skip come out of the Post Office)
-Forward March! 59 - Dick Walter [APM] (Chip and Skip look for the penny)
-City Heat - Gerhard Trede [APM] ("It's time to get serious!")
-Lumbering Giant - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Chip and Skip still look for the penny)
-Think Bubbles 4 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Lazlo has an idea)
-Drum Parade - Yankee Doodle - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Lazlo built a marshmallow house)
-Link (Y) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Raj! Don't do that!")
-Drum Parade - Yankee Doodle - Larry Hochman [CPM] ("Now, we've got to decide what to do about Chip and Skip.")
-Link (Y) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("We can hit 'em!")
-Mud - Ron Aspery [APM] (Samson has an idea)
-? (Lazlo processing thought)
-Hgliss and Bell - Nicolas Carr [Tunes by Nickelodeon Inc.] (Lazlo gets another idea)
-Drum Parade - Yankee Doodle - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Lazlo explains his idea)
-Link (Y) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Raj eating another marshmallow)
-Editor's Falling Over (F); (B) - Dick Walter [APM] (The marshmallow house collapses)
-Lumbering Giant - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Chip and Skip are underground)
-Legion of Honor [#30] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Lazlo shows Chip and Skip the penny he has)
-Bear Cubs A - Walt Rockman [APM] (Chip says it's a fake penny)
-Shock Stinger [#86.02] - Kevin Hiatt, Charles Blaker [Megatrax] (Lazlo's head explodes)
-Link (X) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lazlo takes the penny back)
-Buffalo Gals [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Nighttime)
-[Original music by Nicolas Carr] (Lazlo plays the banjo)
-Lincoln Penny Blues - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (Lazlo comes in dressed as Abraham Lincoln)
-[Original music by Nicolas Carr] (Lazlo plays the banjo again)
-Stand-Up Comic C - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [APM] (Lazlo tells a joke)
-Hail to the Chief - Graham De Wilde [APM] (Edward comes in dressed as George Washington)
-Jingle Bells 7 - Harry Bluestone [CPM] (Samson dressed as Santa Claus)
-Frankenstein's Niece A - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Dave dressed as Frankenstein's Monster)
-Bowler Hats - David Farnon [CPM] ("Hey, Dave! You stole my idea!")
-Plankton Surrenders - Nicolas Carr [Tunes by Nickelodeon Inc.] (Chip and Skip wake up)
-New Orleans Funeral 60 - Steve Gray [APM] (A funeral for the penny is held)
-Overly Loverly Part 2 - Michael Jones, Thomas Chase [UPM] ("Hey! A penny!")
-Link (M) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Hey! You've got another penny in there!")
-Hit the Lights [#3] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (All the campers leave)
-Clouds Are Rolling Away - Andy Paley [Original composition] (Ending)

Baby Bean

-Buffalo Gals - Andy Paley [Original arrangement] (Opening)
-Proud Fanfare - David Farnon [CPM] (Raj opens all the doors at the camp)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] (Samson gives Raj a package)
-The Wheels of Industry - Robert Sharples [APM] (The package opens)
-Turkey Trot - John Longmire [APM] (Clam using Raj's spitting machine)
-Buffalo Billy - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lazlo is worried about Raj)
-Busy Day - Austin Rayner [Not on UPM site] (Raj's new bed)
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] ("That's good, but how about going out for some fresh air?")
-Blue Ridge Hoe Down - Chris Franklin, Paul Bishop [Primalhouse Music] (Raj rides his bed like a vehicle)
-Come and Get Me - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] ("Thank goodness you're back!")
-String Stabs [#56.03] - John Dwyer, Ronald Mendelsohn [Megatrax]; Synchrostings - Part 2 - Trevor Duncan (Raj's limbs shrunk)
-Dawn of Mankind - Tim Souster [DWM] (The bed stretches Raj's limbs)
-Link (D) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Raj's limbs shrink again)
-Link (M); (O) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Raj trying to get an idea)
-Trekkin' - Crispin Merrell [Primalhouse Music] (Raj uses a thinking helmut)
-Drama Link (B) - Hubert Clifford; Abject Terror - Paul Lewis [APM] (Raj is a baby)
-Murder in Mind [#46] - Ronald Hanmer [APM] (Lazlo and Clam try to find out how to turn him back)
-Link (X) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Too late.")
-Link (P) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lazlo tries to think of someone who can take care of Raj)
-Think Bubbles 4 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (He knows who can do so)
-Clown's Walk B - Otto Sieben [APM] (Lazlo asks Lumpus if he can take care of Raj)
-Rock-a-Bye Baby (A) - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland [APM] (A stork gives Lumpus Raj)
-Link (Q) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lazlo and Clam give each other thumbs ups)
-Clown in Town - Philippe Pares [APM] (Raj starts crying)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (Lumpus holds Raj)
-Fairy Dream A - Otto Sieben [APM] (Lumpus cries tears of joy)
-Link (Y) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Raj grabs Lumpus' nose hairs)
-Ho, Ho, Ho! - Dick Walter [APM] (Lumpus tries to make Raj stop crying)
-Rock-a-Bye Baby [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Lumpus sings to Raj)
-Panto Intro [#56] - David Farnon [CPM] (Lumpus makes funny faces)
-Hide and Seek - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Raj cries hysterically)
-Plankton's Ballpark Organ - Nicolas Carr [Tunes by Nickelodeon Inc.] (Raj grows up)
-Monster Bug A - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Raj walks out of the room)
-Comedy Snatches 8 (Hearts & Flowers) - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Lumpus gets upset)
-Cash On the Barrel - Andy Paley [Original composition] (Raj leaves Lumpus)
-Lavender's Blue (B) - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland [APM] (Lumpus is now a baby)
-Shave and a Haircut [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (End sting)
-Waddle Cop - David Farnon [CPM] (End credits scene)


  1. Penny for Your Dung Updates:

    (“We’re rich!”) “Hit The Lights (#6) & (#3)” - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM]

    -? (Chip and Skip go to the Camp Store) “Happy Tune” - Harry Bluestone [CPM]

    (Lazlo gets another idea) “Hgliss & Bell” - Nicolas Carr [Original composition]

    (Lazlo’s head explodes) “Shock Stinger (#87)” is used here.

    -? (Lazlo comes in dressed as Abraham Lincoln) “Lincoln Penny Blues” - Nicolas Carr [Original Composition]

    (Chip and Skip wake up) “Plankton Surrenders” - Nicolas Carr [Original Composition]

    (All the campers leave) “Hit The Lights (#3)” - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM]

    Baby Bean Updates:

    -? (Raj’s new bed) “Busy Day” - Austin Rayner. Not on UPM, but available here:

    -? (Raj’s limbs shrunk) “String Stabs (#56.03)” - John Dwyer, Ronald Mendelsohn [Megatrax]

    -? (The bed stretches Raj’s limbs) “Dawn Of Mankind” - Tim Souster [DeWolfe]

    “Link (X)” plays before “Link (P)” when Clam says “Too late.”

    “Link (Q)” briefly plays before “Clown in Town” when Lazlo & Clam give each a thumbs up from the bushes.

    “Come and Get Me” briefly plays after “Hide and Seek” when Raj says his first word.

  2. The actual name of "Harp Ding" is "Hgliss and Bell". I have no idea why Carr came up with alternate names for many of his short stings for, that one included.

  3. Does anyone know that track that plays after Raj says his first word between "Hide And Seek" and "Plankton's Ballpark Organ"?
