Friday, July 12, 2019

Hold it, Lazlo! / Being Edward

Hold it, Lazlo!

-Spaghetti Cowboy - Jakko Jakszyk [CPM] (Opening)
-Editor's Falling Over (B) - Dick Walter [APM] (Edward falls)
-Fanfare - Robert Sharples [APM] (Lazlo wins)
-Happy Tuba - Richard Myhill [APM] (Edward gets mad at Lazlo)
-Reckless Rufus - Jerry Burnham, Stephen Wade, Tom Layton [APM] (Samosn wants to take a group picture)
-Comedy Cut 10 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Lazlo needs to go bathroom)
-Banjo Lick - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (Bathroom break)
-Link (I); (Q) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lazlo goes to the bathroom)
-Tread Carefully - Keith Papworth [DWM] (The line is very long)
-Horror Shock - Kevin Hiatt [Megatrax] (Edward laughs)
-[Original music by Nicolas Carr] (Lazlo goes to Lumpus' cabin)
-Curious Cub - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Edward turns on the sprinklers)
-Bowler Hats - David Farnon [CPM] ("...but then where am I gonna go to the bathroom?")
-The Western Pioneers (E) - Ron Goodwin [APM] ("The lake!")
-Link (O) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lazlo goes in the lake)
-Link (L) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Lazlo sucks his urine back in)
-Dramatic Impact 3 - Ivor Slaney [APM] (The fish was Edward)
-Bowler Hats - David Farnon [CPM] (Lazlo in the forest)
-?; Great Moments - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Lazlo sees a target)
-Baby Elephant - Dick Walter [APM] (Edward speaks with Lazlo)
-Dance of the Hours - Helmuth Brandenburg [APM] (Lazlo asks Patsy if he can use the Squirrel Scouts' bathroom)
-Where Dreams Come True (B) - Jim Rattigan [APM] (Lazlo can use it)
-Did Anybody Spook 1 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (It's a girl's bathroom)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] (Gretchen tells Lazlo that there's no boy's bathroom in Acorn Flats)
-Happy Times - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Edward and Lazlo ride a boat on Leakey Lake)
-[Original music by Andy Paley] (Edward ties his shoes)
-William Tell - Overture - Gioacchino Rossini [CPM] (Lazlo rides to the shore very quickly)
-Anybody Home - Jack Trombey [DWM] (Edward looks for Lazlo)
-Synchrostings - Part 16 - Trevor Duncan [APM] (Edward sees the sign is knocked down)
-Tears of Courage [#59] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Lazlo finally gets to go to the bathroom)
-The Villian - Dick Walter [APM] (Edward has another plan)
-Bingo [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Lazlo is done)
-Fatso 1 - Alan Wilson [UPM] ("Oh, there you are, Lazlo.")
-Dramatic Love Theme - Intro - Frederick Charrosin [Not on UPM site] (Edward screams)
-Tearjerker [#79] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Edward shows Lazlo a diaper)
-New World - Sam Spence [APM] (Lazlo puts it on)
-Link (U) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Oh, Lazlo.")
-Stand Boys Stand - Jerry Burnham, Stephen Wade, Tony Ellis [APM] (At the Mess Hall)
-Drum Parade - Yankee Doodle - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Lazlo walks in with his diaper on)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johny Hawksworth [DWM] (Everyone looks at him)
-Adventure Fanfare 3 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Raj and Clam want to save Lazlo)
-Ho, Ho, Ho! - Dick Walter [APM] (Raj falls down on purpose)
-Link (X) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Everyone laughs at Lazlo again)
-Nasa Space Program A - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Lazlo says what the diaper really is)
-The Dudes - Jack Trombey [DWM] ("I can't wait to see the look on Lazlo's face!")
-Galactic Troopers - Paul Williams [Primalhouse Music] (Everyone is wearing diapers)
-Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [DWM] ("Don't you get!? YOU'RE ALL WEARING DIAPERS!!!")
-Galactic Troopers - Paul Williams [Primalhouse Music] (Dave and Ping Pong pretend to be astronauts)
-Clouds Are Rolling Away - Andy Paley [Original composition] ("Uh, excuse me, Edward."/Ending)
-Shave and a Haircut [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (End sting)

Being Edward

-Goodnight Ladies [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (Opening)
-The Holy Land - David Farnon [CPM] (Lazlo looks at the shrubs)
-Two Old Timers - Allan Gunn [APM] (Lazlo writes on the calendar)
-Blue Ridge Hoe Down - Chris Franklin, Paul Bishop [Primalhouse Music] (6 minutes later)
-Temple Dogs (A) - Graham De Wilde, Nigel Martinez [APM] (The Beans worship the Gooseberry Shrub)
-Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson [APM] ("You're worshipping a weed, people!")
-Temple Dogs (A) - Graham De Wilde, Nigel Martinez [APM] (They still worship it)
-Lumbering Giant - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Edward writes "Edward Day" on the calendar)
-William Tell - Overture - Gioacchino Rossini [CPM] (Morning)
-Wargames - Keith Mansfield [APM] (Edward makes a robe)
-Clarion Call - Eric Winstone, Alan Moorhouse [APM] (It's finished)
-Short Roll [#3.02] - Eric Allen; Timpani Roll - Sammy Burdson [APM] ("Iiiit's...")
-Proud Fanfare - David Farnon [CPM] ("...Edward Day!")
-Link (Z) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Hey, look. It's the Queen of England.")
-Short Roll [#3.02] - Eric Allen; Timpani Roll - Sammy Burdson [APM] ("Iiiit's... Edward Day!")
-Bear Cubs A - Walt Rockman [APM] (Raj mimics Edward)
-First Fling - Cedric Palmer [Not on UPM site] (Edward visits Slinkman)
-Salute to Caesar 1 - Gregor Narholz [APM] (Edward comes into the Mess Hall)
-Stealthy Mouse - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Nobody is worshipping him)
-Panto Intro [#56] - David Farnon [CPM] (Edward yells at everyone)
-Fatso 2 - Alan Wilson [UPM] (Edward looking for the person who spoke)
-Hide and Seek - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Clam is the one who imitated him)
-Edwards Taps - Nicolas Carr [Original composition] (Edward plays the bugle)
-Baby Elephant - Dick Walter [APM] (Edward tells Lumpus to go to bed)
-Drama Link (D) - Hubert Clifford [APM] (Clam in Edward's bed)
-Fingerpickin' - John Edmed, Vic Flick [APM]; 
Apalachian Banjo Duel - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Clam still imitating Edward)
-Come and Get Me - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (The scouts come in to complain)
-Link (W) - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Edward walks out)
-Think Bubbles 4 - Keith Papworth [DWM] (Edward gets an idea)
-[Original music by Nicolas Carr] (One minute later)
-Reveille - Richard Myhill [APM] (Edward plays a wake up call)
-Curious Cub - Patricia Cory [UPM] (Edward dressed up as Clam)
-Comic Capers - 1 - Keith Papworth [DWM] ("Oh, I get it.")
-Hopping Along - Patricia Cory [UPM] (The scouts have dinner for breakfast)
-Polly Wolly Marimba - Andy Paley [Original arrangement] ("Hey, Ed-Man!")
-Link (A) - Patricia Cory [UPM] ("Who's that supposed to be?")
-[Original music by Andy Paley] (Edward thinks to himself)
-Think Bubbles 4 - Keith Papworth [DWM] ("He's not Edward and I can prove it!")
-Flop and Go A - John Fox [APM] (Edward eats gooseberries)
-She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain - Andy Paley [Original arrangement] (Ending)
-Shave and a Haircut [Arrangement by Andy Paley] (End sting)
-Bear Cubs A - Walt Rockman [APM] (End credits scene)


  1. Hold it, Lazlo! Updates:

    -? (“The lake!”) “The Western Pioneers (e)” - Ron Goodwin [APM]

    “Did Anybody Spook 2” briefly plays at the end of the scene at Acorn Flats when Gretchen tells Lazlo that there isn’t a boys bathroom in their camp.

    (“Oh, there you are, Lazlo.”) “Fatso 1” is used here, not 2.

    -? (Lazlo walks in with his diaper on) “Drum Parade - Yankee Doodle” - Larry Hochman [CPM]

    -? (Everyone is wearing diapers) & (Dave and Ping Pong pretend to be astronauts) “Galactic Troopers” - Paul Williams [Primalhouse]

    Being Edward Updates:

    -? (Drum roll) “Short Roll (#3.2)” - Eric Allen & “Timpani Roll” - Sammy Burdson [APM]

    -? (Edward visits Slinkman) “First Fling” - King Palmer. Not on UPM but available here:

    -? (Edward comes in the Mess Hall) “Salute to Caesar 1” - Gregor Narholz [APM]

    -? (Edward yells at everyone) Sound Effect.

    (Edward plays the bugle) “Edwards Taps” - Nicolas Carr [Original Composition]

    “Appalachian Banjo Duel” plays after “Fingerpickin” when Edward & Clam go back and forth, insulting each other.

    (Wake up call) Sounds like another arrangement of “Reveille”, possibly an original one?

    1. Extra note for Being Edward:

      (Wake up call) This is Richard Myhill’s arrangement.

  2. The Holy Land - David Farnon [CPM] (Lazlo looks at the shrubs)
